Lifleet – VOLK teams up with partners to examine the use of lithium-based battery systems for baggage handling on the airport apron

The project objective was emission-free baggage handling thanks to state-of-the-art lithium-ion technology
Ultra. Long. Range. – The VOLK electric tow tractor EFZ 30 NT ULR Lithium-Ion comes with an almost unlimited driving range

Modern lithium-ion batteries come with a number of advantages, especially in terms of charge times, weight, service life, and maintenance costs. However, they raise a whole series of new, unexplored questions. Particular areas of concern are safety as well as integration into the vehicle architecture. There are many conceivable variants of lithium-ion batteries with different voltage levels and cell chemistry. So far it is entirely unclear which system is most suitable for use in industrial applications. This is a key issue the project will tackle.

Lifleet is a cooperation project between the partners Stuttgart Airport, Stuttgart University (IAT), Fraunhofer IAO, and VOLK. It receives funding from the Baden-Württemberg Ministry for Finance and Economics
During the Lifleet project, VOLK developed a baggage tractor with a lithium-ion battery

The tractor has been in use in baggage handling at Stuttgart Airport since early 2017. So far, it has passed the test of real-life conditions at Germany’s sixth-largest airport with flying colors.

VOLK Fahrzeugbau GmbH
Stahlstraße 15
88339 Bad Waldsee
+49 7524 9709 0